Research and Scholarship
On the Horizontal: Mary Overlie and The Viewpoints. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, forthcoming
Articles and Book Chapters
“Mary Overlie: 1946-2020.” TDR: The Drama Review. 65(21), 2021, pp. 12-14.
“The Six Viewpoints and the Art of Waiting (to become art).” In Affective Movements, Methods and Pedagogies. Eds. Anne Harris and Stacy Holman Jones, Routledge, 2020.
“Irritational Aesthetics: Reality Frictions and Indecidable Theatre.” Theatre Journal, 70:4, December 2018, pp. 473-498. (PDF)
"The New Thing: Three Axes for Devised Theatre." Theatre Topics, 28:3, November 2018, pp. 203-216. (PDF)
"Sordid Ironies and the Short Fingered Vulgarian." TDR: The Drama Review, 62(1), Spring 2018, 191-200. (PDF)
"On Stealing Viewpoints." Performance Research. 22:5, 2017, pp. 113-124. (PDF)
"The Trump is Present." Performance Research. 22:3 September 2017, pp. 127-135. (PDF)
“The Poetics of Ruptural Performance.” In Culture Jamming: Activism and the Art of Resistance. Eds. Marilyn DeLaure and Moritz Fink. NYU Press, 2017. (PDF)
“Robeson, Paul Leroy.” Dictionary of American History Supplement, America in the World, 1776 to the Present. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2016. (PDF)
“Dog Sniff Dog: Materialist Poetics and the Politics of the Viewpoints.” Performance Research. 20:1, February 2015, pp. 105-112. (PDF)
“An Interview with Tony Perucci.” Interviewed by Andrew Barbero, Peace & Change: A Journal for Peace Research. 40.1 January 2015, pp. 110-121. (PDF)
“On Compagnie Marie Chouinard.” Carolina Performing Arts Season Catalogue: 2012-2013. (PDF)
“Fight or Fuck: Performing Neoliberalism at Abu Ghraib.” In Iraq War Cultures. Eds. Cynthia Fuchs and Joe Lockard. Peter Lang, 2011, pp. 87-102. (PDF)
“What the Fuck is That?: The Poetics of Ruptural Performance.” Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies Volume 5, Issue 3 September 2009, pp. 1-18. (PDF)
“Performance Complexes: Abu Ghraib and the Culture of Neoliberalism.” In Violence Performed: Local Roots and Global Routes of Conflict. Eds. Patrick Anderson and Jisha Menon. Palgrave MacMillan, 2009, pp. 357-371. (PDF)
“The Red Mask of Sanity: Paul Robeson, HUAC and the Sound of Cold War Performance.” TDR: The Drama Review. T209, Winter 2009, pp.18-48. (lead article) (PDF)
“’Pretty, Isn’t It?’: Adapting Film Noir to the Stage.” In Performing Adaptations: Essays and Conversations on the Theory and Practice of Adaptation. Eds. Michelle Macarthur, Lydia Wilkinson, & Keren Zaiontz. Cambridge Scholars Press, 2009, pp. 73-85. (PDF)
“Guilty as Sin: The Trial of Reverend Billy and the Exorcism of the Sacred Cash Register” Text and Performance Quarterly. Volume 28, Issue 3 July 2008, pp. 315 – 329. (PDF)